Category: WPChallenge
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WPC Weathered: The effect of time and the elements

WPC Ascend: Steps on the hiking trails

WPC Cheeky: Come have my breakfast

WPC Serene: Sunday in the bird park

WPC Transformation: Growth

WPC Experimental: I believe I can fly

WPC Temporary: Daylily

WPC Peek: Take cover

WPC Rounded: All around us

WPC Glow: Sun, water, sand – a cliché?

WPC Scale: is all about perspective

WPC Pedestrian: Out there

WPC Windows: Framing Nature

WPC Layered: Nature’s way

WPC Waiting: In Tandem

WPC Structure: Man made

WPC Corner: Confusion Junction

WPC Corner: For the better

WPC Ooh, Shiny!: Sun seekers

WPC Elemental: All present

WPC Textures: In the garden

WPC Satisfaction: Little or no action

WPC Unusual: Pigtail anthurium

WPC Collage: Driftwood

WPC Bridge: Journey into the past

WPC Delta: Life

WPC Transient: Life In Motion

WPC Focus: Poi

WPC Order: Pecking Order

WPC Friend: The Gentle Giant

WPC Evanescent : Passion

WPC Heritage: A Tree without Roots

WPC Reflecting: Changing Perspective

WPC Danger: Rock Fishing

WPC Wanderlust: Barefoot across the desert

WPC Earth: Bleak Earth

WPC Surprise: Flying frisbees

WPC Security: Volvation

WPC Dense: Fishing

WPC It IS Easy Being Green: Summer in KwaZulu-Natal

WPC Atop: If I could fly

WPC Wish: To Deserve You

WPC The Road Taken: May be dangerous

WPC A Good Match: Lovers & Soulmates

WPC Against the Odds: Life

WPC Shadow: Distortions

WPC Solitude: At one with myself

WPC Ambience: Sweet as Sugar

WPC Names: Amanzi (water)

WPC Resilient: Ode to women

WPC Path: A path laid by children

WPC Anticipation: When I hear the ocean calling … 🎼

WPC New Horizon: Curious Cat

WPC Relax: me, myself and I

Nature's triptych

WPC It's Not: … No it's not

Mind the gap

WPC Magic: a new day

WPC Tiny: versus Huge

Number 29 – Going up! Going down!

WPC Chaos: chaotic creativity

Oorwurm (earworm)

WPC Transmogrify: before and after

WPC Shine: Walkin' in the Sunshine

WPC Local: laidback lifestyle

WPC H2O: Thirsting for water

WPC Nostalgia: The art of dung spitting

WPC Quest: Help

WPC Edge: On edge and down on luck

WPC Mirror: Dancing with lizards

WPC Frame: what did they see?

WPC: Rare – traffic jam

WPC Fun – karate kids

