My vreugdes en frustrasies


WPC The Road Taken: May be dangerous

WPC The Road Taken

To get to the beach (which we do as often as possible), we have to walk a short distance over an unguarded railroad crossing. The train, which usually carries a load of stone and gravel, does not run according to a fixed schedule and we have to be careful when using the crossing. The problem is that there are so many distractions …

Here, my daughter and I were playing with the camera, trying to include both our own shadows and that of the warning signal for a previous photo challenge. Luckily we were on the grass verge, a couple of meters away from the railway line, when we heard the unexpected whistle of the train sounded by the driver, to warn us of the impending danger of wandering onto the tracks.

For a few heart-stopping seconds we were numb with shock, but my daughter had the presence of mind to capture the steel monster (two locomotives and forty two freight carriages) passing by. The last picture was taken on another day from our balcony.


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  1. Take care

    Kind regards,

  2. That shadow pic- and bit of your feet- pretty cool. I never got a good shot without hiding my hand holding my camera/phone in a very obvious way!

  3. We have similar circumstances here. What so many people do not realize is that a train coasting along makes very little noise and, if it is traveling at a reasonable speed, can be upon you in no time. My sincere thanks to an unknown driver/engineer who was more alert than I was!

    • Comment by post author

      They are always on the lookout due to the many small beaches along the route, but you are right, we don’t always hear the train approaching, partly due to the dense coastal growth alongside the lines.

  4. Oulike foto van julle skaduwees.Ek is bly julle het niks oorgekom nie!

    • Comment by post author

      Ja wel, die wat nie wil hoor nie, moet voel! Arme Genis kan nie verstaan hoekom hy nie toegelaat word om op die spoorlyn te staan en piepie nie!

      • Ag jinne,hoe gaan dit met die outjie?

        • Comment by post author

          Ou Genis raak ook nou ‘n ou man. Hy het een van sy ondertande verloor en net die week daarna speel ek toe met hom bal. Dit was ‘n ongeluk, ek sweer, maar toe skop ek die bal reg in sy gesig en daar waai nog ‘n tand. Hy het nou so ‘n oulike passion gap … 😀

        • Ag arme ou Genissie…niemand ontsnap die ouderdom nie.🙁🙁

  5. Oulik!

    Ek weet nog nie wat ek sal doen nie

  6. Mal oor die gebruik van skaduwee in die eerste foto. Daar is iets bekoorlik aan ‘n spoorlyn ne…

    • Comment by post author

      Ja man, daar waar ek grootgeword het was mos nie treine nie. Ons het met die bus gery van Springbok af tot in Bitterfontein en daar op die trein geklim Kaap toe. Steenkool daardie dae, wat beteken het dat jy met ‘n pikswart gesig en roet in jou hare in die Kaap aangekom het, haha, maar wat ‘n genot! Ek hardloop nog steeds teen die trappe uit na die boonste balkon toe om te gaan kyk as ek die trein hoor aankom.

  7. Goede berichten, mooie blog.
    Hartelijk gefeliciteerd.
    Welkom op mijn creaties te zien:

  8. Good posts, beautiful blog.
    Welcome to see my creations:

  9. Ons is maar so in die lewe ook, hoor nie die gevaar aan kom nie. Ons is so vasgedraai in ons eie plantegroei van die lewe, dat ons soms letterlik tot stilstand geruk word deur n alarm.
    Baie mooi skaduwee foto.

  10. Ek laaik julle tone in die foto!! 😉
    PS – No… I’m not a fetish type… o_O

    • Comment by post author

      Ek het die tone eers raakgesien nadat ek die blog gepubliseer het. Ek weier mos om ‘n foto te shop / crop / style – te lui. En ja nee wat, man, ek is ook maar bly jy het nie ‘n fetish nie, want daai regterkant se voet is nog besig om sy groottoonnael terug te groei na ons rampspoedige hike deur die Oribi! 😀 😀