My vreugdes en frustrasies


WPC It IS Easy Being Green: Summer in KwaZulu-Natal

WPC: It IS Easy Being Green

My entry for this challenge is a bit late this week, but rather late than never.

The Southcoast of KwaZulu-Natal is well known for its dense coastal growth year round, but this year we had an exceptionally wet rainy season. The hills are alive with various shades of green, and the wild flowers add a beautiful contrasting splash of color.

Follow Dis Ekke


  1. Groen isw dit voorwaar! Mooi!

  2. Groen is die land van Natal; wyd lę die velde omheen. Wolke seil hoog in die blou hemelboog en ‘n arend vlieg na die son.

  3. Groen is mooi… hallo Hester 😊

  4. Ek hou van die groen paddatjie.

  5. So stil? Jou groen fotos is mooi, net so mooi soos ons dam wat oorgeneem word deur die hiasinte. Maar daar is ñ GROOT verskil. Ons hier is in ernstige moeilikheid.

  6. Ai so mooi!

  7. Lyk my julle het tot die paddas gepaint! 😉

  8. Dis so mooi en interesant. En jou fotos👌