My vreugdes en frustrasies


WPC Satisfaction: Little or no action

Laidback fishing on Sea Park Beach

Laidback fishing on Sea Park Beach

There are some days when I think I’m going to die from an overdose of satisfaction. – Salvador Dali 

Laidback outlook

Laidback outlook

Satisfaction, to me, is the ability “to do” or “not to do”, whichever suits me best on a particular day. Most often I prefer those quiet days when no action is required of me and I can spend my time in serene repose; no rushing to a specific destination, no deadlines to meet, no challenges, no infringement of my time. I am, after all, retired.

WPC Satisfaction

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  1. Ek is so ‘n kleeiiiin bietjie jaloers vanoggend. Harties is bietjie koel en baie vaal vanogggend. Geniet dit. Dis so lekker om te lees van iemand wat tevrede is.

  2. Sometimes I sits and thinks and sometimes I just sits.

  3. Hm…I guess it’s the most healthy attitude to life no matter you’re retired or not, dear Hester! Relaxing at the sea, what better might be? 🙂

  4. 🙂

  5. Blog Andrew

    🙂 As always Hester beautiful photographs, I’m a huge fan of people sharing photos whatever they may be. However this is a more poignant post than you’ll realise, I’ve been thinking I should get some things in order because unless one wakes up looking forward to the day …….then…..well…… 🙂 you get the idea.

    • Comment by post author

      Thank you, Andrew, and yes, you are right, life is too short to let a single moment of enjoyment slip through your fingers. For me, those moments exist in being with my family and enjoying the simple life.

  6. Is jy besig met “sit ups” op daardie eerste foto? Dit lyk na te veel werk!
    Ek stem saam,mens hoef nie altyd iets te doen nie. Soms staar ek net in die verte en dink nie eers aan iets nie.

  7. Hoop daar is darem iets in die koskaste want so kam daar nie veel in nie.

    Pret foto’s!

  8. Klink hemels! Ek is mal oor jou foto.🌺

  9. Lekker man. Dit gee beslis bevrediging om net rustig te wees sonder enige gejaag ….. na wat ook al! Interessante fotos ook.

  10. Sulke oulike toone!! 😉

  11. Fantastiese manier om die aftrede te geniet1

  12. Nou wonder ek of ek werklik wil weet wat by die Suidkus aangaan 🙁 Dit lyk so lekker ontspanned Hester…. lekker aftrede!!!

  13. Ek gun dit vir jou. Geniet elke oomblik. Ek is ook in ‘n proses van aftree, maar kry dit nog nie heeltemal reg nie. Wag, ek gaan nog daarby uitkom!