When we moved here three years ago, our first priority was to re-register my husband at the regional hospital for the specialised medical care that he needs. When we contacted the hospital for driving directions, we were told to drive along the old coastal road and turn right at the corner of Confusion Junction, then left into the hospital’s parking area. Confusion Junction? We looked at each other … well, in confusion. Surely we could not have heard right? But yes, that was indeed what the residents have named this crossing and we soon found out why.
We arrived at the hospital at 07:00 am on a Friday morning to find ourselves in chaotic traffic conditions. Road surfaces have recently been dug up and relaid, and there were no visible lines or road signs to indicate driving directions, lanes or pedestrian crossings. All vehicles were trying to squeeze into the narrow road leading past the hospital’s main entrance and the gates of the secondary school situated right next to the hospital. Cars, buses, minibus taxis and ambulances were driving full speed and jostling for parking space. Pedestrians were jay-walking, while street vendors were calmly setting up their stalls on the sidewalks. Blaring horns, wailing sirens and booming radios added to the cacophony.
Confusion Junction seemed an apt name for this busy crossing.
I took this photo on Sunday morning and without the cars, the pedestrians and the street vendors, and with all street lines and signs in place, confusion no longer reigns, but somehow I think the name will stick!
WPC Corner
Shibin Dinesh
Great photo! Keep clicking!
Thank you 🙂
Abrie Joubert
🙂 Hi Hester ons het op ‘n stadium ‘n produk geahd wat op ‘n spesifieke manier geprys word en wat die tegniese gids beweer het ‘n vereenvoudiging van fooiverhaling was. Dit is Fusion genoem Nie lank nie en fusion het confusion geword. Dit was bepaald nie ‘n vereenvoudiging nie! En ja hierdie sal sekerlik confusion bly Terloops wanneer sluit die paddatjie idoom tema – vanaand 12 uur of more- middag 12 uur
Abrie Joubert
Never mind 🙈 daar staan duidellik Donderdag 12 uur
Mooi foto
Dankie 🙂 Ek sien die ouens stuur deesdae meer as een inskrywing in, toe dog ek hierdie foto pas so mooi by daardie tema, ek sal ook maar nog een bylas.
Ja dit lek nie of daar ‘n beperking op is nie Ek is verras oor die hoeveelheid mense wat deelneem Ek wens net daar was meer terugvoer Niemand kyk na my foto behalwe die mense wat my volg nie
Ha! Love the story behind the pic. Thanks for the laugh. 😊
Baie goeie storie by die opskrif.
Dankie. Ek sal jou dalk eendag vertel van die nuwe woorde wat ek uitgedink het in die proses om daar rond te navigate …
A lot of corners and confusion! I can see and hear the whole thing.
Thank you. Yes, I knew you would understand given your SA background.
Ja die kakofonie op daardie oomblik is ongelooflik deurmekaar!
Eish! en dis soveel erger as jy ‘n vreemdeling is wat soek na ‘n plek.
Ek kan jou goed glo. Ek het vier jaar by n privaat skool skoolgehou. Die skool was in een van die besige deur strate. Soggens voor skool is dit chaos met taxies, bakkies en eninge voertuig wat hope kinders aflaai. Dis n geskree, getoet, wegtrek en lawaai in de straat en by die hek. Die smouse daag ook op om hul ware te verkoop. Ek het altyd maar vroeg geloop soggens en laat middag om weg te kom.
Lewies Mymer
Ja nee, ek kan dink mens se woordeskat kan gestimuleer word om nuutskeppinge te bedink. Gediskonfokuleerd kom by my op.
Myne kan ek nie hier in die openbaar neerskryf nie 😀
Lewies Mymer
Hehe! Ek kan dink. Daar in die f-register rond!
Net so!