My vreugdes en frustrasies


WPC: Rare – traffic jam

Motorists keeping a safe following distance

Motorists keeping a safe following distance

WPC: Rare

These pictures were taken in our garden on the highveld of Gauteng, shortly before we retired and moved to the coast.

We never made any attempt to curb the increase in the snail population in our garden; this chore was left to the large bird community that lived in our trees.

We were therefore greatly amused by the sight that greeted us in the garden early one morning after a thundershower during the night. The snails were crossing a particularly wet patch of grass by gliding over the garden hose left out the previous evening, reminiscent of the traffic on the freeway which we traveled to and from work every day.

At first, the action was calm and the “motorists” maintained a safe following distance, then those that were able to move a little faster started to catch up and soon the impatient souls were trying to overtake the slowpokes; a catastrophic “road accident” was unavoidable.

Follow Dis Ekke


  1. Road Rage! Where’s the guy with the baseball bat?

  2. Aha dit is darem baie spesiaal – en skaars. Ek wonder net hoe lyk die fyntuin

    • Comment by post author

      Ons het meesal rose, lelies en kaktusse gekweek. Al ons eie groente ook gekweek. Nooit ‘n probleem gehad met die slakke nie – ons het ‘n familie van vyf hadedas gehad wat by ons gewoon het 😀 Ons meng gewoonlik nie in met die natuurlike eko-sisteem nie.

      • Aha maar die voëls hou die slakke in toom … hulle kan net raas as mens bietjie soggens wil inlê!

        • Comment by post author

          Dis waar. Al ons slaapkamers het noord gefront, waar die grootste deel van die tuin was en ons het ‘n magdom voëls daar gevoer. Maar daardie jare was ons gewoond aan vroeg opstaan, want ons moes gedurende die week teen sesuur , halfsewe op die laatste, reeds op die pad wees.

    • Comment by post author

      Ons het meesal rose, lelies en kaktusse gekweek. Nooit ‘n probleem gehad met die slakke nie – ons het ‘n familievan vyf hadedas gehad wat by ons gewoon het 😀 Ons meng gewoonlik nie in met die natuurlike eko-sisteem nie

  3. Why did you not give them another hose? A two lane hoseway (?) would have solved the problem!

  4. Dis só ‘n oulike bloginskrywing!

  5. Hester ek het nou ‘n hoed gaan opsit sodat ek hom kan afhaal vir jou. Hierdie is besonderse kreatiewe (en vrek snaakse toepassing van die tema). You are a rare dame!

  6. Nou lag ek weer! Ek wonder wat sou gebeur as een in die ander rigting wou ry?? 😉

  7. That’s incredible! And you found them like that naturally? That is nice of you to leave the hose out for them.

  8. ek het al begin om vir hulle bier in vlak bakkies uit te sit. Maar hulle verkies seker whisky. Vermy die bierbakkies soos pes. Slakke moet nie besluit hulle verkies wyn nie, EK DEEL NIE MY WYN NIE.

    • Comment by post author

      Bier? Ek het nog nooit van daai raad gehoor nie. Ek weet wel dat hulle onder plastiekbakke of -sakke sal inkruip in die nag as jy dit in die tuin los (agter die vog aan). Het jy geweet dat SA se tuinslakke glo ‘n baie smaaklike delicatessen is? As hulle nou oornag in jou wyn gemarineer word, het jy ‘n heerlike dis op hande.

  9. Praat van ‘n slakkepas.

  10. Dis nou n kostelike rare slakke-tog uit die nattigheid. Goed jy het dit toentertyd afgeneem. Dis nou juweel van nfoto.

  11. Hillechien


  12. This really made me smile. 🙂

  13. Haha,dis nou oulik,Hester!

  14. Daar is altyd een poepol wat die traffic opneuk! 😉

  15. One of my favorite entries in this challenge! So happy with that great title!

  16. Blog Andrew

    🙂 Browsing through WPC entries at first it was the title ‘Traffic Jam’ that caught my eye, the last thing I’d expected was a snail jam on a garden hose and I thought what a great image 🙂

    Thank you for commenting

  17. Dee Jay

    Hahaha! This was nice! Rare indeed!

  18. This is amazing and funny, great shot!