My vreugdes en frustrasies


WPC Scale: is all about perspective

Cast iron pot and lid

Cast iron pot and lid

This week’s challenge is all about experimenting with placement and scale to put into perspective the size of objects in a photo, to show how big (or small) you can feel in a photo.

In the featured image, the focus was placed on the cast iron pot and the perception is created that the lid being held above it, is too small to fit. In fact, it looks as if the lid, if lowered, may sink under the surface of the yogurt and disappear.

The next image is a snippet from a video that we captured of a mother whale and her small calf playing in the ocean, with the baby imitating the mother’s movements.

A mother whale and her calf playing in the surf at Seapark beach, KwaZulu-Natal

The next one is an image of the Umzimkulu River bridge captured from the direction of the Spiller’s Wharf. The vehicles and catamaran look like toys in comparison to the large bridge.

Bridge over the Umzimkulu River, Port Shepstone, KwaZulu-Natal

On a recent visit to the Umzumbe Beach, this photo was captured from the top of the pathway leading down to the beach from the parking lot. Notice how small the holidaymakers on the beach and the two security guards (in red coveralls) appear from that distance.

Security guards at Umzumbe Beach, KwaZulu-Natal captured from the top of the pathway leading down to the beach

We passed this land vehicle on the road in a farming community during a recent road trip. My first thought was “Smart Tractor” (as in “Smart Car”) and then I saw the contrast in size between the two sets of wheels.

Tractor seen along the road in a farming community in the Free State

This tyre (tire) in which I was seeking shelter against the hot African sun on the Mtwalume Beach, is the same size as that of the vehicle on the previous picture.

Me, at Mtwalume Beach, seeking shelter against the sun in the discarded tyre of a bulldozer

WPC Scale


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  1. A wonderful variety.

  2. Moeilike onderwerp maar hier gee jy ‘n paar mooi idees.

  3. Blog Andrew

    Hester I do love your photo posts, then again you know that 🙂 The whale and her calf is both a beautiful photo on its own then the viewer realises the youngster is following its mums lead, learning how to be a whale.

  4. En hier leer ek sommer ook vandag op jou blog hoe om ‘te kyk’. Perspective.

  5. Gedink terwyl ek lees… en kyk… jy is baie slim. Ek sou nie ‘n cookin clue gehad het wat om te plaas vir so ‘n onderwerp nie 🙂 Welgedaan!!! Ek sou dink dat jy in daardie band wat so groot op die foto lyk verdwyn het wanneer jy in hom sit.

    • Comment by post author

      Ons het as kinders met die groot bande gespeel – mekaar teen die bult afgerol tot onder by die kerkhof. Haha. Ek dink kinders het spesiale beskermengeltjies, want nie een van ons het ooit seergekry nie. Dankie vir die kompliment 💗

  6. Neem aan daardie walvisse oefen vir die syncronized swimming in die oulikpiese spele

  7. Wonderful set of beautiful photos. The last one is my favorite.