My vreugdes en frustrasies


WPC Temporary: Daylily

Daylily genus Hemerocallis

Daylily genus Hemerocallis

These daylilies, grown by my husband in huge quantities in our garden in Gauteng, South Africa, resulted in a mass colorful display every summer.

Daylilies typically last no more than 24 hours. The flowers of most species open in early morning and wither during the following night, possibly replaced by another one on the same flower stalk the next day (Wikipedia).

WPC Temporary


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  1. Beautiful blooms and a very fitting choice for the challenge.

  2. Die blomme is elkeen pragtig. Ek moes dit net dadelik vir Bertus wys, hy is die tuinmaker van ons twee. Dit moet die mooiste gesig wees om ń klomp van hulle bymekaar te sien!

    • Comment by post author

      Dit is Una. Ek onthou hoe het my man elke dag baklei dat iemand een van sy nuwe daylilies moet kom afneem. Ons was so “op” hiervoor dat ons hom later gewys het hoe om self die kamera te gebruik. Ek moes gister kies uit amper 2000 fotos!

  3. Pragtig@

  4. What a MAGNIFICENT array of blooms!

  5. Vervlietende mooi…sjoe, ek het net een geken.

  6. Mooi! (Die fotos en die lelies!)

  7. Hulle is pragtig – die verskillende kleurkombinasie !!!

  8. Blog Andrew

    Beautiful daylilies and fabulous photos, YET again Hester you’ve shown me South African nature species I’d never heard of or seen before. Incidentally you can guess my mother would love to walk around your husband’s flower garden. 🙂

    • Comment by post author

      Thank you, Andrew. Daylilies are not indigenous to South Africa. I think they originated from Asia, but they are very popular worldwide. Yes, gardeners always find something in the garden to talk about, don’t they? 🙂

      • Blog Andrew

        Oh yes, and whatever the season my mother always seems to be pottering about. 🙂

  9. Dis darem pragtig,Hester!

  10. They are very beautiful, what a blessing.

  11. Lovely flowers are day lilies. Thanks for dropping by.

  12. These are very beautiful as Your photos also. We had small flower garden when we lived near to Helsinki, but this species we did not had.

    Happy weekend.

  13. Baie mooi ek het net die daglelie in laaste foto geken.

  14. Asemrowend

  15. Lovely flowers! It will be wonderful to have them in the garden.

  16. Mooi… vrek mooi! 😉

  17. They are incredible,dear Hester! So bright! So filled with life!