My vreugdes en frustrasies


Cherry On Top

Cherry On Top

This week’s challenge is to share a photo of a detail that makes a good thing even better, a finishing touch from your own life.

I didn’t have to think twice about this topic. This is an image of our little granddaughter whom we met in person for the first time when she was sixteen months old. They came to visit us for the Christmas holidays last year and we had great fun playing in the pool. For me, this was the crowning point, the peak of perfection of the festive season and, in fact, the whole year.


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  1. Ag nou kyk net hoe pragtig! Dis beslis ‘n treffer!!!!!!

  2. Lovely cherry on top. Sy is te pragtig vir woorde. Bly die geleentheid het hom voorgedoen dat sy kon kom kuier.

  3. Anuscka

    Wat ‘n mooie kers! Prachtig!

  4. Ja-nee kyk… dis beslis sommer ‘n tros kersies op die koek!! Lekker speel ouma!! 😉

  5. Ag sy is te pragtig…die mooiste kersie!

  6. Kleinkinders is voorwaar ‘n groot blessing!!! Die sê ding is mos “dis jou beloning omdat jy nie jou eie kinders gedurende hul grootmaak proses vermoor het nie” jy weet daai dae wat jy gesê het ‘ek is baie lief vir jou maar vandag hou ek niks van jou nie” 😉