My vreugdes en frustrasies

Travel, WPChallenge

WPC Edge: On edge and down on luck

Bourke's Luck Potholes

WPC Edge (click on the photos to enlarge)

I was a little bit at a loss with this week’s challenge until I found inspiration in Abrie’s  post A beautiful place to throw yourself off the edge and was reminded of the incredible beauty of the Blyde River Canyon. Thank you Abrie!

The Bourke’s Luck Potholes, so named after an unsuccessful gold prospector, are located at the point where the Treur River (River of Sorrows) joins the Blyde River (River of Joy) at the start of the Blyde River Canyon. The force of the swirling water where the two rivers meet, causes extensive erosion in the soft sandstone bedrock and these incredibly beautiful cylindrical potholes have been formed over many years.

The series of metal bridges and railings along the edge of the river banks provide safe vantage points from where visitors can see this amazing spectacle.

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  1. Thank you Hester yes the potholes are indeed a beautiful place to see and amazing pace to stroll about. And lets hope the Springboks luck become better than Bourke’s luck (the man) and as good as Bourke’s Luck (the place).

  2. Pragtige plek Ek hoor egter dat mense nou daar al beroof is. Waar gaan alles heen

  3. Terloops Hester ek het eers na die tyd titel die titel raakgesien skerp! My post het Tina bang gemaak. Nooi haar om saam met jou die zipline te doen 🙂

  4. Dis darem pragtig daar!Mooi foto’s,Hester.

  5. Ek is mal oor Bourke’s Luck se potholes. Baie mooi fotos.

    • Comment by post author

      Dankie, die fotos is geneem op ‘n mistige, reënerige, winderige, koue dag, (net soos vandag hier by ons). Ek was nogal verbaas dat dit so mooi uitgekom het.

      • Dit het beslis mooi uitgekom. Wolke kan meehelp om n mooi foto te neem maar as dit nog reënerig of mistig is maak dit nogal die saak moeliker.

  6. Pragtige fotos!

  7. Ek wil nog daar swem… een dag as ek groot is! 😉

  8. Sjoe dis pragtig…. Die fotos lok mens sommer soontoe

  9. Awesome photos. Thank You.