My vreugdes en frustrasies


WPC Ooh, Shiny!: Sun seekers

Brown butterfly resting on winter leaves

Brown butterfly resting on winter leaves

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night – Steve Martin

We are currently experiencing an unseasonably cold winter here on the KwaZulu-Natal South Coast. When the sun shows its face and the wind subsides, even for only a few minutes, we drop everything and go for a quick walk.

In our wanderings, we come across all sorts of creatures taking advantage of the small respites from the foul weather.

Brown beetle enjoying the sun

Brown beetle enjoying the sun

Wagtails sunning themselves on a leafless tree trunk

Wagtails sunning themselves on a leafless tree trunk

Vervet monkeys grooming each other in the sun

Vervet monkeys grooming each other in the sun

Egyptian geese - mother and gosling on the river bank catching the first rays of the winter morning sun

Egyptian geese – mother and gosling on the river bank catching the first rays of the winter morning sun

WPC Ooh, Shiny!

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  1. Prachtig!

    Zonnige groet,

  2. Blog Andrew

    MONKEES!!!! Hestor 😀 I’ve been waiting for your monkey photos, fabulous!

  3. Aaaahh, jou foto’s laat my sommer ‘n bietjie warmer voel op hierdie yskoue dag.

  4. Hester ek het voorheen nog ‘n kommentaar geplaas wat verdwyn het. In die eerste foto regs is daar iets kenmerkend wit. Is dit ‘n peul en is dit werklik so wot of vertoon dit maat so?

  5. Levensjutter

    Mooi Hester! Van die foto’s krijg je het toch een beetje warm! 🌞

  6. Welgedaan

  7. Your photos are magical! Those monkeys are just a adorable. Funny to think that you experience winter, while we’re having one of the hottest summers ever. We’ve had more than 3 months of three digit temperatures. (More than 37 degrees Celsius. Do you measure temperature in Celsius or Fahrenheit?)

    • Comment by post author

      We use Celsius and I must agree, 37 degrees is a bit on the warm side 😄 Here at the coast we are very comfortable at 25 or even up to 30 degrees, thereafter it gets a bit uncomfortable because of the high humidity. In the drier regions Âą36 degrees is the norm; 40 degrees is deemed to be “a bit hot” 🙂