My vreugdes en frustrasies


WPC Mirror: Dancing with lizards

Dancing with lizards

WPC Mirror

On one hot, sunny afternoon at Ramsgate beach (KZN South Coast), we met this little fellow on our way to the tidal pool. Rock lizards love soaking up the sun, but they are very shy critters and when we walked by, he fled to higher grounds, jumping from one rock to the other. This photo was taken while he was mid-air, his shadow reflected on the rock below. It is only after the images were downloaded that we saw the mirror image.


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  1. That is a great capture. Wonderful timing.

  2. Fantastiese beeld wat julle vasgevang het! Voor ek gelees het, dag ek die outjie loop oor ‘n glasbrug 🙂

  3. Wonderful capture – great timing!

  4. Hester moenie so beskeie wees oor die agterna nie. Jy het jou kamera eers uittgehaal toe jy gesien het hy spring en vinniger as ‘n cowboy het jy gemik en raakgeskiet!

    • Comment by post author

      Haha, Speedy Gonzalez styl? Ek vermoed eintlik dat my seun die fotograaf was, maar ons het almal hande saamgeslaan oor die uitkoms. Ons is almal amateurs, maar blykbaar korrel en skiet ons soms op die regte tyd en plek..

  5. Dis nou ‘n besondere foto,Hester!Pragtig vasgevang!!

  6. Very cool! 😊

  7. Hillechien

    heerlijke foto

  8. Dis nou n unieke foto wat nie sommer vasgevang word nie. Pragtig gedoen.

  9. Wow dis ‘n treffer!

  10. Beautiful

  11. Nifty! 😉

  12. Woah good action pic!! I have a lizard jut like this one at home and he is full of life! Terrific!