Tag: blogchallenge
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#SoCS I love blog prompts with every bone in my body

#SoCS challenge Why, yes dear, sadly I can

#SoCS We call her Gugu because she will be precious

#SoCS I have a full deck of cards. Wanna play buddy?

#SoCS This prompt has nothing to do with being blonde

#SoCS This is what I would term a conundrum

#SoCS Get your hands off that posterior post-haste

#SoCS an earworm, earworm, earworm is boring into my brain

#SoCS Round is not just a random shape, it’s also a way of life

#AandIPoetryChallenge: Aug 2018 – let’s write a limerick

#AandIPoetryChallenge: Aug 2018 – A Poem from the Heart

#AandIPoetryChallenge: May 2018 – Diamante

For our children from the Dysfunctional Parental Unit

IBMC #10 Happiness is not having all the things I want

IBMC #09 I’m taking baby steps, learning to live with old age

IBMC #08 Humpty Dumpty went to the mall and started a brawl

IBMC #07 An app that encourages picking up and tracking litter

IBCM #06 Ghost me!

IBMC #05 The Voices in my head have opinions of their own

IBMC #04 Haiku – Negotiating is a political game

IBMC #03 How random can you be?

IBMC #02 Conversation with a butterfly, frozen in time