My vreugdes en frustrasies


#SoCS challenge Why, yes dear, sadly I can

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “can.” Use it any way you like. Bonus points if you start and/or finish your post with it. Enjoy!

To see the rules for this weekly challenge and all the entries for Saturday 20 October 2018, visit Linda G Hill.

A colleague: “Can I ask you a small favor?” NO! All those “small” favors you asked of me in the past almost drove me to bankruptcy, divorce and murder. I’m not listening … la la la la.

My children: “Can I ask for your advice on this matter?” Yes, sure, but why bother asking? you sure as eggs is eggs you will ignore every single word I say, just like you’ve done your whole life.

My neighbor: “Can I please, please, pretty please, borrow a cup of sugar until I get to the shop?” Of course dear, and when you get to that shop, EVENTUALLY, please, please, pretty please remember to also buy the replacement butter, milk, eggs, and cocoa that you borrowed from me last week and the week before that. By the way, what kind of cake are you baking today?

On a municipal poster: “Can we count on your vote?” You mean to say that after so badly screwing up our water- and electricity service deliveries, and despite the numerous potholes in our roads, and notwithstanding the failure to put an end to the unnecessary spending of ratepayers’ money, you STILL expect me to vote you back into local government?

At a fundraiser: “Can you give us a helping hand at the cake table?” Sorry, no. The last time I was roped in to “help” I ended up baking hundreds of pancakes with cinnamon sugar in the pouring rain for hours on end. I just do not feel that charitable today.

My husband: “Can you imagine what our lives would have been like if we never met, married and had children?” Yes dear, sadly I can.

Follow Dis Ekke


  1. Kapow! You shot hit the mark because you can, Hester!

  2. Oulik, Hester, veral die laaste een!

  3. Hehe Hester!

  4. Dis deksels goed gedoen!

  5. Slaan jy die spyker op sy kop. Veral die laaste een. 😂

  6. Great read and fun….and so very true.

  7. Toe slaan jy die spyker op sy kop!! Very good 😊

  8. 😀 Hester you really are a very amusing writer.

    • Comment by post author


      Hahaha, thank you Andrew, I find that a little humour goes a long way in uplifting my spirits. I’m happy to hear that others can smile with me.

  9. Yes dear… sadly I can!
    Ai… jy’s rof op daai held van helde!!
    Dink net hoe verveelig jou lewe sou gewees het… en eentooning… en vaal… en mislik! En power… en taal arm!! En plain blêrrie boring!!