My vreugdes en frustrasies


IBMC #04 Haiku – Negotiating is a political game

For this challenge, I chose the first haiku because it reminded me of a company political game played in many boardrooms over the years.

Haiku 01
expressions of face
happy sad angry frown shy
face is the index

The only difference is that in this case, the face must not be allowed to reflect any negative expression at all. The idea is, although one already has been prepared for and steered in the direction of the expected outcome, to still approach the business in hand with a pretention of enthusiasm and anticipation. Never let the bosses know of the turmoil under the facial mask. Just toe the line.

So, this is my first attempt at a haiku, to explain how to survive these meetings by allowing

no index of the face
smile listen nod talk laugh vote clap
masking expressions

Walking out of the boardroom, poking a finger at your own chest and chanting,

boo boo boo boo boo 
boo boo boo boo boo boo boo 
boo boo boo boo boo

trying to alleviate the feeling of having let your conscience down. Again.

😄 Yes, yes, I know. Not very original (I basically copied the flip side of your haiku) and I will have to keep my day job; poetry will never be a good source of income for me, but it was a fun challenge.

IBMC #04: Hunt a Haiku Challenge

I am taking part in the Incredible Blogger Marathon Challenge (IBMC). Prakash Hegade is the event organiser. The IBMC is a series of ten diverse tasks, set to prove the versatility of the participants. Read all my responses to this series here.

Given to you are five haiku’s. Pick any one and write your interpretation to it. You can build a story and make the haiku part of it. You can continue the haiku and make another poem out of it. Let the creativity wander and hunt it down the way you want.

Follow Dis Ekke


  1. Well put! The charades played out at meetings are worth a book on their own.

  2. Die Haiku storie is ook maar iets waarvoor jy aanvoeling voor moet hê.

    • Comment by post author


      Ja nee kyk – ek ek is nie digter nie, dis seker.

      • Ek het op n stadium gekyk hoe hul dit doen maar besluit om fantasie storietjies te skryf is al erg genoeg maar darem nog te doen. Hierdie enkele woorde en drie reêls of wat ook al is bietjie erg.

  3. Ek dra nie maskers nie…. of laat ek eerder sê ek hou nie van maskers nie…. dus is ek eerlik genoeg om te sê jy het my al by jou opskrif verloor “huh, wat de swernoot is ‘n haiku?” Mev google het verduideluk… maar dis bo my vuurmaak plek.

    • Comment by post author


      😄 Dis ‘n Japanese gedig wat gewoonlik uit woorde met ‘n totaal van 17 lettergrepe bestaan. Jy gebruik 5 lettergrepe in die eerste reël, 7 in die tweede reël en weer 5 in die laaste reël. Tradisioneel verwys die inhoud gewoonlik na die natuur (seisoene), maar kan in ander vorme ook gebruik word. Soos ek dit verstaan, is die onderwerp van die gedig gewoonlik ongespesifiseer en jy kan dit vertolk en toepas op enige manier.

  4. Ek weet ook niks van Haiku nie…al die jare macen huisvrou gewees.Daar was nie tyd vir maskers nie…hahaaa kinders moes spring as hierdie tannie se haiku hand uitruk.😃

  5. Ma en huisvrou…ai vet lomp vingers!

  6. Creative! I really like the other side of it! 🙂