Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “card.” Use it any way you like. Enjoy!
To see the rules for this weekly challenge and all the entries for Saturday 06 October 2018, visit Linda G Hill.
It just so happens that I had another one of those calls from my bank yesterday:
“Good day I am So-and-So calling from _________ Bank company to tell you how happy we are to be of service to you and how are you today and we would like to offer you a new credit card with a higher limit for which you have been pre-approved as a token of our appreciation so Ma’am in order for me to send your new card to you by courier today do you mind answering just three security questions to verify your identity?”
Me: “Yes, I do mind”.
“Uhm … Ma’am?”
Me: “You called my number, you asked to speak to me and now you want me to verify my identity. Who do you think you are speaking to?”
You see Ma’am I must make sure that it is in fact the account holder who is giving permission to issue this card with a higher credit limit and I’m sorry Ma’am but you’ll understand the need to ask these questions so can you please tell me …
Me: “I already have a full deck of cards. Why would I want another one?”
Me: “I said, I already have a full deck of cards. I have a credit card, a debit card and a savings card, as well as loyalty cards from two pharmacies, a bookshop, a computer shop, two grocery shops and a clothing shop. I also have an identity card, a driver’s license card, a medical insurance card and a card for parking in a disability parking spot. Let’s not forget the business cards from my general practitioner, my dentist and my cardiologist with the details of my upcoming appointments. Why would I want another card?”
Momentary disappointed lull in the conversation.
“So … Ma’am would not like to take up our offer for the new card to be sent by courier today?”
Let’s just examine this example of how my money flows: When I fill up my tank at the gas station, I receive award points on my pharmacy loyalty card (is putting gas in my car a dangerous occupation?). For the same transaction, I also get rewards from my bank for using my credit card. The award points that I earned on my credit card I can then switch online to my grocery shop loyalty card and thus earn 15% more points. At the grocery shop, I earn extra points for being a pensioner (an advantage of old age) and for shopping on a Tuesday. All this because I paid an exorbitant price to fill up my tank and presenting the correct cards.
Presenting the correct cards for each transaction, yes, that is the problem. If you ever see an old bird fanning out a fistful of magic plastic cards at the cashier’s counter, obviously confused and nervously trying to pick the Ace of Spades in order to make a payment – that would be me.
Me: “No Deah, my old card is still good to go for another year. But thank you for calling.”
John Holton
This is why I don’t answer the phone anymore.
I hear you. On the one hand I understand that these people have a job and are trying to earn money, but sometimes I really get irritated.
Naughty you: you made her depart from her script! I once had a similar call and all was going hunky dory until I was asked to confirm my work address. “I am retired,” I responded. “Retired?” “Yes, I don’t work any more.” This was followed by a pause, then she asked incredulously “So you no longer earn a salary?” “That’s right,” I replied. Another pause followed until she said “I will have to get back to you” – and she never did!
I must remember that one: I’m retired, or better yet, I’m unemployed 😄
Vindingryk en tog so onnosel ook. They just want to push their luck. This is the way “poor” eldrely people get caught out!
Ek sien jou met al daardie kaarte Hester….full deck of cards 😁😁😁😁😊
Ken jy daai ongeduld van soek na die regte kaart om tog net te betaal en klaar te kry? Ek haat Shopping Malls en kredietkaarte, maar weier ook om kontant rond te dra,
Ken dit, dra ook nie kontant nie. Dan is daar nog mediese kaart en ID kaart. Ken mos nie my ID nommer uit my kop nie, bestuurslisensie, pensioenkaart…. ag nee dit is ‘n gemors. Nou wil ek nog by die biblioteek gaan aansluit… nog ‘n kaart…gaan heroorweeg 🤔
O ek het een – ek het vergeet van daai. Nou moet jy weet, ek en Karen deel sommer ‘n handsak want ons is altyd saam – geen uitsonderinge nie. Vermenigvuldig nou al daai kaarte met twee in een handsak.
A. Shepherdson
I agree you have to end a conversation with “thank you for calling”, callers drive me mad but they’re only working to pay the bills like the rest of us.
Jo jo, nee, ek wil ook asb nie nog ń kaart hê nie!
Nou sien ek P&P het nou sy loyalty catd beskikbaar gestel as ‘n app op die selfoon. Een van die dae staan jy in die ry en scroll op jou selfoon om die nodige loyalty “card” te vind.
Haha, this is a great post.
Thank you Robbie 😊