My vreugdes en frustrasies


IBMC #03 How random can you be?

Ten random thoughts

  1. I made quite a few New Year’s resolutions for 2018 so I can have a good selection of the ones that will be discarded before month-end.
  2. The Bard did not get it quite right because “to eat or not to eat”, THAT is actually the question.
  3. I have a sharing personality and today I’m sharing my monthly annuity with my creditors.
  4. What’s the use of writing down my thoughts when I know I will contradict them tomorrow?
  5. My dear old school friend turned up on my doorstep and for the life of me, I could not remember her name, which means I had to use the “Dear” and “Darling” workaround for two hours.
  6. I will only use a public toilet if I can use my elbow to flush and I don’t wash my hands afterward because there is no way that I will touch that bacteria-ridden tap.
  7. One day, when I find all those small items that got lost in my house during my lifetime, I will open a secondhand shop.
  8. My potato plant is bearing tomatoes!?
  9. Really, is this it?
  10. I just made my monthly credit card payment and now I’m off to go shopping, toodaloo.

IBMC #03 Risk for a Random Challenge

I am taking part in the Incredible Blogger Marathon Challenge (IBMC)Prakash Hegade is the event organiser. The IBMC is a series of ten diverse tasks, set to prove the versatility of the participants. Read all my responses to this series here.

{The 3rd challenge in this series] – It’s a challenge to see how random can you be. Write ten sentences where there is no connection to each other. Go as random as you can get. Show the creativity in the paragraph and surprise the reader. The story sure need not make any sense. But must sure give a laugh to the reader.


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  1. I remain intrigued by your tomato-bearing potato plant!

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      So do I 😄 Since one of the bloggers told me yesterday that tomatoes and potatoes are related, i googled it and yes, both belong to the nightshade family which includes the eggplant, mandrake, deadly nightshade or belladonna, paprika, chile pepper and petunia, to name but a few.

  2. Om jou beste vriendin se naam te vergeet? Maklik!
    Nee! Gebruik steeds jou hande in die publieke toilet, jy wil tog nie jou hele lyf kontamineer nie. Ontsmet eerder jou hande na die tyd!
    Lekker shop.

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      Wet wipes vriendin. Hou dit altyd in jou motor en jou handsak.

      • Presies! So why worrie?

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          Ek spandeer te veel tyd in hospitale deesdae en dis waar die meeste kieme rondloop 😟 En in supermarkte – dink aan die trollie se handvatsel. Daar’s ‘n ding wat ge-wetwipe word voor gebruik.

        • Ek is nie vreeslik kiembeswus nie, maar as ek aan die gril raak, sjoe, dan is dit erg.

  3. Nee wat ek sou nie tien gekry het nie! Ek dink jy vaar goed, wys jou wat gedoen kan word as jou brein geprikkel word.

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      Presies! Dis wat ek nou nodig het – so ‘n poke om my te laat regop sit.

      • Sterkte. Ek volg volgende week n 5 dag bespreking op FB oor skryf stilstand! Die vrou wat dit aanbied is heel op en wakker. Sy prikkel die afgelope twee weke al die brein om sekere promps te doen.

  4. Vermy ook maar handrelings.

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      Praat jy! Ek probeer om aan niks vas te hou nie. Dis nogal goeie oefening om trappe uit te klim sonder om vas te hou, maar ek is baie versigtig met die afkomslag en klou aan my dogter vas. Val wil ek tog ook nie.

  5. Random thought: Hester and Adrian Monk have a lot in common. I wonder if she also counts?

  6. monicahaddad01

    Nr 7 laat my giggel, ek verloor sommer iets binne 2 meter van waar ek die klein dingetjie nog in my hand gehad het.;-)

  7. Hoe lekker gee jy ons nou ñ kykie in die ‘privaat’ Hester se lewe. Jy is maar net so normaal soos die res van ons met ons fobies en geite. Laat my sommer beter voel.

  8. Oooo die toilette is maar ‘n ding Ek het ‘n vriendin wat die hele dag knyp omdat sy nie ander se toilette wil gebruik nie. Ek het nie baie geite daaroor nie.

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      Ek gee darem nie om as ek by mense kuier om hulle toilette te gebruik nie, maar openbare fasiliteite is ‘n ander saak.

  9. Ek loop self op eiers by openbare geriewe…skop gewoonlik die deur met my voet oop en toe,was eers die kraan af en dan my hande en draai dan toe met die punte van my vingers. Ek was eenkeer gruwelik siek na ‘n besoek aan openbare toilette, waar daar pas ‘n bus vol mense deur is…goor ervaring gewees!

    • Comment by post author


      Ek glo vas ‘n mens doen nare siektes op deur net iemand se hand te skud. Ek voel altyd ‘n brandende begeerte om te gaan hande was as iemand my met die hand groet.

  10. Ha ha.. good ones.. 🙂