My vreugdes en frustrasies


#SoCS Rev those engines – Backyard Mechanics 101

How to rev those engines until they roar with pain and exhaustion is the backbone of Backyard Mechanics 101 (Bêkjaart Mekênieks in South African slang). Follow this correspondence course and rev those dysfunctioning backfiring stuttering engines back to life in no time at all!

It’s actually very simple. How to rev: Backyard Mechancics 101 page 1 Make sure that the car is in park or neutral, then press down on the accelerator to increase the speed at which the engine turns over those Revolutions per Minute (RPM) – you can watch this happening on that little dial on the dashboard. Or, you can just listen to the ROAR of that mighty lion … uhm … car engine.

Do this in the comfort of your own back yard, preferably on a Sunday afternoon, just after enjoying your lamb chops and brannas (that will be brandy to non-South Africans) at the family braai (barbeque). Thus fortified, you will be able to apply the necessary force on that pigheaded accelarator. Never mind the elderly and mostly sober neighbours who are trying to catch forty winks to rev up their bodies for the coming work week.

How to rev: Backyard Mechancics 101 page 2 Keep up the revving for at least an hour, but make sure that you put some rythm into the sound by steppng on the accelarator for a minute, then letting it go, slowly and methodically. This will bring forth that immensely satisfying vroom-vroom sound. Yes! Go ahead, put the radio on. Loud! Everybody loves listening to roaring engines and loud music on a mild Sunday afternoon.

How to rev: Backyard Mechancics 101 page 3 When you are satisfied that every dysfunctioning part of the now roaring engine has been blown out through the exhaust system, you can take to the streets surrounding your property. Spin those wheels and lose some rubber around the bends, scaring the old biddies who have now given up on sleep and are on their way to the corne café to buy icecream for the grandkids.

Should you meet one of these old biddies at the robot (traffic lights to non-South Africans), rev up that engine some more to indicate that you are not averse to a little Sunday afternoon racing through the sleepy town. Those Knights of the Shady Trees are in all probability asleep in their cars under those very trees – not at all interested in handing out speeding tickets.

Congratulations on completing your online course. May the roar of engines always be with you!

Linda said: Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “rev.” Use “rev” or find a word that contains it. Have fun!

To see the rules for this weekly challenge and all the entries for Saturday 4 December 2021, visit Linda G Hill our gracious host for these challenges, where you will also find links to blogs added by other participants.

To see all my SoCS entries on this website, follow this link.

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Follow Dis Ekke


  1. Spot on!

  2. Sounds familiar. Here they do it at about 2:30 am in the morning. They also use the round abouts to dig in their tyres.

    • Comment by post author


      We don’t have may roundabouts but we do have lots and lots of lovely potholes, which makes racing after dark more adventurous 😁

      • Haha I can imagine. Talking about those bad boys, last night just after two one did a looooong screeching ride around the roundabout. Tires made purple/red marks in the tarmac.

  3. Ek weet van ‘n mouterbaaikryer hier in ons straat wat daardie kursus cum laude geslaag het.

  4. Hoe bly is ek om op die plaas te bly. Hier rev die hadidas en tarentale soms.

    • Comment by post author


      O Lekkervuurtjie, ons het nou twee gesinne hadidas wat hier in die bome langs die kompleks broei. Daardie gekke gekrys van ligdag af! Ek weet nie of ek nie dalk die gebrul van enjins verkies nie.

  5. Jy is ‘n briljante instrukteur. 😁Ek picture die hele storie tot by roomys koop vir die kleinkinders…

  6. Het my wekker gestel vir 2:00 – gaan dit traai. En as ek dit regkry, gaan ek voor daai baaiker parkeer en verder oefen.

    Dankie vir die les.