Why am I writing about beans? Because Linda has set an impossible task (impossible for me, that is) for this week: Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “more than a hundred.” Write your post inspired by something you have more than a hundred of in your home right now. Enjoy!
I am one of those people who like to travel light, keep it clean and simple, lead a simplistic life. Like any other person, I like to collect things: books, CDs, photos, videos, newspaper clippings, magazines, etc., BUT … these are all in electronic format. Do you know how many of the aforementioned you can load onto a one terabyte hard drive? Ours is more than just one terabyte and we have more than just one hard drive. Not a 100 though.
I watched a television show the other night and the woman hoarder admitted that she has bought more than a hundred pairs of shoes during the last few months. Note – the last few months! Not during her lifetime or over a period of years, which would have made sense. Kinda. A few months. I am NOT that kind of collector. I don’t own a hundred pairs of shoes. Or socks for that matter.
So what else do I have more than a hundred of in my house? Not counting dust bunnies, grains of sea sand walked in from the beach, grass cuttings walked in from the garden? A hundred clothes hangers. Close, but not quite. We mostly wear a fold-up variety of tees and shorts (we live at the beach). We don’t smoke or drink. I’m a chocoholic, but a hundred bars seem a little excessive. 🤔 I had a packet of popcorn, but I think that has been disposed of. I forgot to buy rice, so that is a no go. Think. Think!
Open the grocery cupboard. And lo and behold, the first objects I see are cans of veggies. Lentils, peas, whole kernel corn, tomatoes (sliced and diced, with and without onion rings), and beans. Baked beans. Surely there are more than a hundred beans in one can? Maybe not, but I have three of them. Should I open one and start counting? … no, surely that is not necessary. So what do I know about baked beans?:
- South African men who were drafted into the armed forces before 1994, hate baked beans with a passion. Apparently this was a staple food in the good ole “army-days”, together with bully beef (corned beef if you are a non-Saffer).
- Beans cause gas (not the kind that you put in your car; the smelly kind that causes embarrassment in public). By the way, why are little boys, and not so little any more boys, so fascinated and obsessed with the kind of jokes that is classed as toilet humor by the womenfolk?
- I read this one somewhere – in ancient Greece public officials were elected to their posts by putting one white bean and a few handfuls of black beans into a bowl / jar / whatever. Each applicant for the job had to take out one bean and whoever got the white bean, got the job. Imagine that! No diplomas, degrees or experience needed – just the luck of the draw.
Another fact, tonight I will use all three cans of beans to make a hot chili con carne dish for supper 😁 It is winter in South Africa.
To see the rules for this weekly challenge and all the entries for Saturday 29 August 2020, visit Linda G Hill our gracious host for these challenges, where you will also find links to blogs added by other participants.
To see the rules for this weekly challenge and all the entries for Saturday 8 August 2020, visit Linda G Hill.

To see all my SoCS entries on this website, follow this link.
As always, lekker reading, and about baked beans.Haha. Well done ! Enjoy the meal tonight, take care with the consequences. 😉😄
I sleep alone. No problem there.
Enjoy the meal 🙂 and lucky you sleep alone!
😀😀 Thank you Joke
This is an absolutely delightful read!
Thank you so much Anne
Soooooo, hoeveel boontjies in ‘n blik?
Ek sal nog een dag tel 😂 wanneer ek nou regtig verveeld is.
Mag jy nooit so verveeld wees
Nie eers met ‘n gesin van ses kinders het ek drie blikkies boontjies op ‘n slag gebruik nie. Pasop vir ‘n ontploffing na vanaand se maal 😂😂😂 Geniet!!! O ja, ek het lekker gelees.
Dankie Kameeltjie 🤣 Ek is is seker Terence Hill en Bud Spencer het meer boontjies as net drie blikkies op ‘n slag geëet in die spaghetti westerns. Hulle het altyd ‘n pan vol boontjies op die vuur gehad!
What a useful post, dear Hester! Now I know what sorts of things shouldn’t be sent to you for Christmas. 🙂 🙂 🙂 Well-cooked beans are marvellous!
There you are. I often wondered, reading between the lines, whether bloggers realise how much detail of their personal lives and preferences are made public 😂🤣
🙂 🙂 🙂 I doubt, dear Hester! It seems to me that the most part of community does not make separate their blogging life from the private. In some cases it is for good, but…mostly for bad. I would say that our blogging activity make us exhibitionists, each on his level. 🙂 🙂 🙂
Whomsoever wants to spy on me, is more than welcome. I just hope they are not bored to tears by my oh so ordinary lifestyle!
Ha-ha-ha! Spying has a pretty positive effect for the whole blogging community. It is called: TRAFFIC! 🙂
So true!
Baked beans are not my favourite too! Eaten too many in the hostel. No wonder the rooms were so smelly after a meal. Lekker gelees, die boontjies kan maar lekker gasserig wees.
My seun sê altyd hy sal enigiets eet solank die nie baked beans is nie 😁
Haha dis n goeie een .
Rob Alberts
Hot chili con carne? Can I invite myself for dinner?
Pity, I need some traveling time.
Kind regards,
You’re welcome Rob 😄
Baie goed geskryf, Hester! Ek het veral jou relaas oor die boontjies geniet. My ouma het altyd gesê:
“ beans, beans, musical fruit. The more you eat the more you toot” !
😁 ek geniet nogal ‘n skeppie warm boontjiesop op ‘n koue dag. Die nagevolge is maar deel van die lewe.