My vreugdes en frustrasies


#SoCS the prompt is -ic or -ical ergo political correctness

About political correctness

I’m a day late publishing my SoCS entry and I could use the excuse that I work on Africa time, but I am not quite sure that I am still permitted to use that expression, you know, with political correctness being such a hot potato lately.

Just in case you’re wondering what Africa time is: it is an expression that we (used to) use to describe the patient attitude and/or the total disregard towards the Western concept of “being on time”. In Africa, when asked what time the (already late) bus/train will arrive, someone will solemnly inform you that the said bus/train will be here “now-now”. The actual time span between “right now” and “now-now” can differ from a mere minute to a few hours, depending on the circumstances or the informant’s frame of mind.

Anyway, I’m digressing. I just wanted to say that I wholeheartedly agree with the sentiment expressed in this image which I found on Pinterest. These days I feel like I’m walking on eggs, too scared to open my mouth, in case I inadvertently utter an offensive remark. Does anyone else suffer from this affliction?

Linda Hill who hosts the Stream of Consciousness bloghop, has put forward the following prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday: ‘Find a word that uses the suffix “-ic” or “-ical.”’

Linda, I am sorry that this is only my second post since I started participating in this bloghop in June, but right after I posted my very first entry, my internet connectivity disappeared into cyberspace. It only took 2½ months (Africa time!) to have connectivity restored, but I am very pleased to be back online.

I got the idea for this post while reading John Holton’s entry on his blog  The Sound of One Hand Typing in which he referred to the political correctness of using the word “hysterical” to describe a funny situation.



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  1. Politieke korrektheid word beslis heeltemal te ver gevoer.

  2. Yes, it does seem we are always on eggshells.

  3. Absolutely Hester living in the modern world feels like I’m walking on egg shells and I lay the blame at Twitter! Twitter is an appalling platform, what’s the point? Every single day someone in the public eye is apologising for something they wrote or said because a few people were offended!!! My take is it’s perfectly ok to be offended accept it, live with it, no one will care the next day so stop apologising. The makers of the new Peter Rabbit cartoon apologised for a vegetable throwing scene because mum’s said it promoted bullying………….. jeeze it’s a cartoon! As you know 😀 my bus leaves 06:25:00 every morning, I arrive at the stop 06:23 every morning.

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      It’s the same on all social media platforms, not only Twitter. Life is turning into a reality-cartoon show. Are you offended when the bus arrives at 6:26:00 or has that never happened? 😄

      • 😀 I have seen people complain if one leaves a minute early…………… I’m not on FB and I think you’re right.

  4. The best of all is that those who feel offended do the same and sometimes even worse.

  5. Gisteraand gedink dit voel asof ek op ‘n mynveld lewe…. wanneer gaan ‘n bom af. Ek kan doen met ‘n lekker “hyjsterical” lagsessie.

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      Wat kan ons doen om jou te laat lag?

      • Het vir Perdebytjie na haar episode met haar man se stoel wat breek, en sy tot deur die nag geproes het van die lag ek het so iets nodig…. daardie kannie ophou lag prentjie. Toemaar jy laat my baie lag met van jou sêgoed. 😊

  6. I put what I thought was a positive and hopeful video on Facebook about a married couple from opposite political parties getting along well. Two of my “friends” got into a hot debate over it. I’m more hesitant now about what I post and spending less time on Facebook. But the thing about time is not unusual in common speech. My husband (from the northeastern US) talks about our “southern time” being slower and more free flowing. Wish I could send you some warmth.

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      I’m afraid that in this political pressure cooker even common speech can land one into deep trouble. Thank you for the lovely thought – sending me warmth – I love the outdoors and this late in winter cabin fever is creeping up on me.