Last year, when Maria asked me for my postal address in order to send me a Christmas card, I told her straight away chances are that this card would never find its way to my mailbox. Mail is not delivered anywhere on the KZN SouthCoast and I know from bitter experience that even postal items sent from within South Africa, get lost along the way. I keep a mailbox purely because my bank requires a postal address for Financial Intelligence Act purposes.
Maria decided to take a chance anyway and she mailed this envelope on the 14th December 2017 in Moscow. She tried to track its progress via the postal systems all the way to South Africa, but in January this year, she told me that the last tracking entry was entered at a post office in the Netherlands.
I was quite sure that I would never receive the card, but I kept on checking my mailbox whenever we passed there on our way to town. It was a very happy moment when the agent where the mailboxes are located, took the envelope out of the safe today (84 days after it was mailed). He was very excited and could not wait to tell me that “this envelope has traveled all the way from Russia”. Imagine our excitement! Maria has taken the precaution of sending the item by registered mail and no doubt that was the reason why we received it, after all.
We opened the envelope right there and then and inside we found:
- a beautiful handmade card and a personal message. Maria, thank you so much for your good wishes – it is much appreciated and returned with love. I think those drawings of the cactus and the hibiscus flower were a superb touch; and
- a little golden gift box with a red ribbon and a small plastic bag containing decorations for a Christmas tree.
I just had to share these photos with you.
Thank you Maria 😍
Dit is nou so spesiaal.
Dit is werklik ☺
Wonderwerke gebeur nog
Dis nou ñ lekker spesiale verrassing vir julle!
Daar het jy dit nou….. rather late than never. Dis spesiaal 😊
Ja dit is 😊
aj vosse
WoW!! This is special!! You are indeed a very fortunate lady… but then, you deserve the pleasure!! 😉
Thank you, kind Sir 😊
Dis besonders! Ons het in Februarie ‘n kerskaartjie gekry wat in November in New York gepos is. Die poswese is beslis besig om homself te oortref😄
Ek het ‘n maand gewag vir ‘n boek van Hermanus af!
Mens is maar te bly as dit sy bestemming bereik!
Ag dis darem baie spesiaal
Jip, allie pad van Rusland af!
Sulke goed kikker mens se lewe op!
Ja, o ja, dit doen 😄
What a wonderful package of goodies. Well worth the LONG wait!
Yes it was 😊
Abrie Joubert
Dis nie laat nie Hester – dit is 10 maande vroeg!
Ek dink die 2018 was bedoel vir die Nuwe Jaar 😊
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, gosh! Hester!!!!!!!!!! I’m so happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hurray!!!!! Yes, I sent you these wooden decorations as a memory of true Christmas! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SUPER! This year I will send you a card in September! 🙂 🙂 🙂
Haha, then it should be here in time for Christmas. I will send you one as well and we can have a race to see which one arrives first!
Great! Thank you so much! It will really be interesting!
Ag, daai boksie is pragtig. Ek kan getuig dat elke liewe boek wat ek pos, wonder bo wonder by hulle bestemmings uitkom. Soms vergeet die poskantoor om die kennisgewings uit te stuur en soms kom ‘n pakkie terug, maar die genade is groot. Ek pos baie! Hier kry ek nou net weer ‘n boodskap dat ‘n pakkie opgedaag het. 😁
Ek het nooit voorheen in Gauteng probleme gehad met die pos nie, maar hier word die posbusse in die kleiner dorpies nie eens meer onderhou nie. Die kafee waar die posbusse staan, sluit die groot staaldeksel aan die agterkant met slotte (die posbusse self kan nie oopsluit nie) en hulle sorteer maar die pos uit. Ons moet elke keer gaan vra dat hulle die slotte verwyder sodat ons die pos kan uithaal. Hulle was net so opgewonde soos ons toe die langverwagte koevert uiteindelik opgedaag het.
Sjoe! Dis regtig erg.
Dit was nogal ‘n aanpassing, maar nou het ons die see en ons pos kom elektronies 😄
Ja en daar oos koeriers as die nood regtig druk.
Ja, gelukkig is Postnet goed verteenwoordig en nie te ver van ons af nie.
En die boksie met die goetertjies is te pragtig.
Ja, die versierings is van hout gemaak en jy kan dit natuurlik verf en versier. Dis vreeslik oulik.
Dit is alles so mooi en spesiaal.
Dit is. Dit laat my dink aan die opgewondenheid van my kinderjare –
krismiskaartjies koop, adresseer, seëls opplak en pos. Dan wag jy om te sien of jy darem ook ‘n paar gaan ontvang. Ons doen dit vir baie jare nie meer nie.
En dit is so hartseer. Ek het nou die dag koeverte en mooi skryfpapier gekoop met die doel om briewe te skryf en aan te stuur, maar het nognie daarby uitgekom nie.
Daar is deesdae ook maar min mense wat deesdae nog sal antwoord op ‘n brief. Gelukkig het ons blogs!
Gelukkig ja! 🤗
Lewies Mymer
Dis soos om ‘n message in a bottle te kry.
Dit is nogal!
Dis nogal iets, nè? 😊