My vreugdes en frustrasies

Dis Ekke, Travel

A peek into my world on the KwaZulu-Natal Southcoast

Umzumbe Beach at the mouth of the mZumbe River

Umzumbe Beach at the mouth of the mZumbe River

I haven’t shown you many images of my world during the past few months, an error that I aim to rectify immediately. We are very fortunate in that we have a variety of beaches very close to us, within easy hiking distance, or just a short drive away.

We live on the Hibiscus Coast, a ±72km stretch of endless beaches on the beautiful South Coast of KwaZulu-Natal, a very popular holiday destination in all seasons. The bigger and more well-known towns and resorts teem with visitors, enjoying the beaches, the organised entertainment and the nightlife during the school holidays.

For ourselves, we prefer the quiet and solitude of the more isolated beaches. My daughter and I love hiking along the beach, soaking up the sun and dipping into the warm water every now and then. We also try our hand at fishing, but in a very leisurely fashion only; we hardly catch any fish worth mentioning. When we do get hold one of one, we put it back in the water more often than not. We find more pleasure in watching the surfers and swimmers enjoying the waves and the sea critters on the beach or in the rockpools.

The blue waters of the Indian Ocean, golden beaches,  numerous rivers and lush green hills create panoramic views that tempt even the most amateurish of photographers (like us) into clicking away. It is really hard to snap a very bad picture in such an amazing location and I hope that you will enjoy my gallery.




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  1. Dit is regtig verskriklik mooi.

    • Comment by post author


      Eintlik is daar nie vreeslike lelike plekke in ons land nie, selfs nie eens as dit vaal en stowwerig is nie, maar hier het ek my hart verloor.

  2. Beautiful! Is there a “real world” nearby?

    • Comment by post author


      A “real world” as in big town / city, shopping malls, airport, lots of people? Yes, within a few kilometers, but what I cannot see, does not exist 😄 We can very easily imagine ourselves living on an island.

  3. Sjoe dis mooi!

  4. I really DO like your world! I haven’t visited the South Coast for years – now it is Kenton-on-Sea or Tsitsikamma. You are right too: our country is beautiful everywhere!

    • Comment by post author


      Thank you Anne, the South Coast has been struggling the last few years with deteriorating infrastructure and bad service delivery by the municipalities, but we are fighting our way back.

      • As are we: banding together to get potholes filled, verges mown – and even chasing away the cows!

  5. Dis pragtig Hester! Ek is skoon jaloers.

  6. Paradise! Incredible!

  7. Ai, ek verlang na sand en see…

  8. Jou fotos is uitsonderlik mooi, Hester. Ek kyk daarna en dit voel so bekend. My jare as kind aan die Suidkus was van my gelukkigste tye.

  9. Ag Maartmaand is vir my die lekkerste tyd by die Suidkus…. weersgewys…. en nou gaan ons nie hierdie jaar nie.Dit lyk asof jy permanent op vakansie is.

  10. beeldskoon Hester, ek mis so baie van jou goed, ek moet letterlik gaan soek na jou goed dit kom nie meer vanself in my reader of e-pos nie?? Is dit omdat jy oorgegaan het na hierdie Bloglovin ding toe?

    • Comment by post author


      Nee skat, blogloving is ‘n addisionele reader vir mense wat nie WordPress gebruik nie.. Ek dink jy moet net my blog unfollow en dan weer follow, dan behoort die probleem opgelos te wees.

  11. Sjoe dis so mooi Hester!

    Is julle nie bang om alleen rond te loop nie?

    • Comment by post author


      Soms, ja, maar as ons ongemaklik voel, geepad ons tot op ‘n ander dag. Daar is darem gewoonlik mense besig om vis te vang of te duik, so ons is selde heeltemal alleen. Ons is altyd baie versigtig, soos wat enige persoon deesdae oral in hierdie land behoort te wees.

      • Is eintlik nê Hester, ek sê dit tog altyd self, MENS IS NERENS VEILIG. Mens kan net nie noodwendig ophou leef nie.

  12. Ons het altyd in daardie omgewing vakansie gehou toe ons nog in Natal gebly het. Dis pragtig daar!

    • Comment by post author


      Dit is, maar nou hoor ek my dogter sê ons moet dalk volgende jaar of die jaar daarna ‘n bietjie in die Oos-Kaap gaan woon (sy kriewel altyd). Hallo! Ek het nog nie klaar vakansie gehou hier nie.

  13. It’s really a wonderful region you’re living in 😁

  14. Pragtig Hester. Oos-Kaap, dit is darem lekker om so te kan trek… ook baie mooi daar.

  15. You do live in an incredibly, beautiful place. How wonderful to hike those beaches and just enjoy the beauty that surrounds you. I can only imagine what that does to ones soul. I believe for certain that being surrounded by beauty, makes us a better person, more balanced, humble and more compassionate. You are a blessed lady!

  16. Pragtig! Dankie vir die deel. Geniet dit terwyl julle kan.
    Ek sou wat wou gee om op daardie rotse te sit, of in die gety-poel te swem.

  17. It’s a beautiful gallery.

  18. Oh my gosh, so beautiful! As a beach lover, it looks divine. (Are there any Great Whites?)
    I mentioned you in my newest blogpost, btw. Your comment a while ago inspired the post 🙂 So thanks! And happy weekend! 😀

    • Comment by post author


      Yes, we have our share of sharks. All our main beaches are protected by a network of shark nets. They are mainly Zambezi and Bull sharks, but we do get the the Great Whites here occasionally.

  19. Hibiscus Coast?? Daai blomme/ struike is nie inheems nie!
    I think you must start a protest movement to get the name changed to something more appropriate!
    I think you’re the one for a fight… I wonder why??