My vreugdes en frustrasies

Dis Ekke

Why did the chicken …

cross the road swim in the Indian Ocean?


Wet chicken on the beach

Wet chicken on the beach

A: She wanted to spread her wings

A: To escape her fate as the main dish in the Chicken Biryani

A: She was tired of walking to other continents

A: She was actually windsurfing

A: To prove that chickens can swim

A: She is a qualified lifeguard busy rescuing a beached whale

A: The KFC bucket capsized in the waves and she had to save herself

A: In Africa chickens are free to do whatever they want

A: She wanted to try the stuffed-chicken breaststroke

A: To put a stop to the stupid “why did the chicken cross the road” jokes


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  1. A: Because it’s there!

  2. I like the last answer 😉

  3. What enormous legs this chicken has – must be from all that swimming!

  4. I think you are correct.
    A is the right answer.

    Kind regards,

  5. :-)))

  6. Vreemd Ek hoop sy kom darem weer by haar huis uit

  7. Ha-ha-ha! Serious chicken! I guess she wanted to become a sea bird, to sail away & to open a Chickenlandia…for chickens only. 🙂

  8. Blog Andrew

    The answer depends on whether you’ve a local Indian Takeaway, if the answer’s yes then it’s the Biryani! 🙂

    • Comment by post author

      Ah yes, that must be it then. This is the land of delicious, spicy Indian foods and many take-away shops.

      • Blog Andrew

        I’m so envious 🙂

        • Comment by post author

          Living in a multicultural society like ours can be quite challenging, but also very rewarding – we experience so many different and exciting lifestyles, food, fashions, rituals.

        • Blog Andrew

          You are SO right, the UK is a multicultural society, a melting pot, and whether our ‘Far Right’, like it or not we have to learn to live together. 🙂 Enough politics from me 🙂

  9. To ease the terrible itch of her chicken pox.

  10. In Afrika loop orals hoenders rond,waarom nie ook hier nie?
    Ag siestog sy lyk so verward!

  11. Sy is ‘n avontuurlustige hoender wat met vakansie by die see is.

  12. Ja sy hou nie van sit/lê op eiers nou reier sy eerder.

  13. A Because she loved surfing lol

  14. Haha! Love it!