- Fafa river mouth
- Railway bridge over Fafa river
- Fafa river
- Last rays of the sun on the water at Ifafa beach
- Ifafa beach at sunset
Yesterday was a perfect day to spend at the beach, so we did the sensible thing and put an “out of office” notification on all our communication systems. Earlier in the week there were reports of heavy downpours and flooding, which is why we decided to visit the Fafa river estuary.
The sight that greeted us was well worth the four-kilometer trek in the loose sand along the shore; the river mouth was open and water was pouring into the ocean. We had a lovely time, enjoying the view and swimming in the fresh water. BUT, as usual, nobody had thought to bring a camera. We collected beautiful shells on the way there and back, and even had a few nibbles on the fishing lines.
Late yesterday afternoon, as we sat down to a late lunch / early dinner, we noticed that one of the shells was behaving very oddly, in fact, it seemed to be moving along under its own steam. At closer inspection we realised that the occupant was still in there. We always take great care to ensure that there are no residents in the shells we collect, and we had no idea that this time we had a stowaway on board.
BUT … there it was, peaking out of its awesomazingly beautiful shell and wondering why the water has dried up. The problem is, these snails cannot survive outside the ocean for very long, which means that keeping it overnight, even in fresh water, would surely produce a dead little snail. There is a beach just half a mile from our home, but we didn’t have the heart to drop the snail off in an unknown location.
SO … off we went down the beaten track (on foot; one cannot drive that way) and reached Snail Home just as the sun was setting. This time, though, I had my trustworthy old cellphone in my pocket (in case of an emergency – that shoreline is pretty isolated and totally deserted at that time of the day).
HOWEVER, the good news is that the snail reached home in time to get on with its precious family life and on top of that we were able to take pics of the stunning location just before the sun went down.
The picture quality is not great, but I’m sure you will enjoy these images.
As a nature lover and worshipper I salute you. I am also like that, I would do exactly the same thing. My respect for you is even deeper now
😀 Thanks
Hehehehe Lou sou jou darem vasgetrap het oor jou paragrawe se begin!
Haha, maar dit beklemtoon my punt! Toegelaat in daardie geval.
Lyk of Lou n outydse skrywer is. Paragrawe word so geskryf!
Nie in formele skrywes nie; Lou is reg daaroor. Wie is Lou by the way. MAAR (ekskuus Lou!) in hierdie soort informele vertelling mag ‘n mens maar die grammtikar so effens skeeftrek vir effek.
He he, ek sien maar julle vra om verskoning aan Lou, dis hoekom ek toe sommer ook op die karretjie klim!
Ek doen dit ook maar glimlag altyd as ek aan haar dink! Kreatiewe vryheid!
Never had the opportunity to see or find one of those shells in nature.
We have quite a collection, but the bigger, more sought after shells are deep in the ocean. I could never deprive a poor snail of its house. My husband knows better than to take me fishing – I promptly return every fish to the water the moment he turns his back.
I think I won’t even go fishing at all! Just the idea of having a hook in your mouth makes me shudder.
Tannie Frannie
Jy verdien dit om in so ‘n wondermooie omgewing te mag woon, want jy koester dit!
Dankie. Jip, ek hou daarvan om in die afgeleë kusdorpie te woon. Min mense, baie bos, baie water en vol klein diertjies.
Dit was baie dierbaar van julle gewees om dit te doen Hester. Dis pragtig daar. Ek kan sien julle het dit baie geniet. 😀 ♥
Al het die ou spiere afgetjop, ja 😀
aj vosse
Nou kyk nou net!! Nou moet ek eers raas!! Gn kamera nie?? Swak beplanning! 😉
Ek is bly die slak het julle terug ge neem dat julle ‘n paar fotos kon kry!! 😀
Om baie eerlik te wees, dis veiliger om nie ‘n kamera saam te dra nie. Die selfoon is klein en plat – dit pas maklik in my kortbroek se geheime sakkie. Ons is altyd versig vir die “beach shoppers”.
aj vosse
Sorry… ek is soooo lank weg ek vergeet so nou en dan van julle werklikheid! 😉